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North Bali Hospital Improvements

Giving Better Service to the Society

The service of RSUD or the public hospital of Buleleng regency has been improved in these recent years. It is shown by the increasing rate of the hospital’s category; from C type becomes B type. It is indicated by the improvement of facilities, like the construction of VIP building, the addition of three patient rooms, completed with the equipment, furniture and others, and the establishment of the only integrate central surgery installation in North Bali.

The surgery central unit has been prepared for one year, and the construction or two floored building, completed with the modern equipment, cost some 10 billion rupiah. This unit is for the patients who need an operation and post operation treatment. On the first floor, there are five operation rooms and on the second floor, there are ten patient beds for the emergency patients and for patients who have been operated, and one room for the sterilization unit. The fifth operation rooms mentioned are the rooms for clean operation, dirty operation, obgyn operation, THT or ear, nose and throat operation, and eye operation. Besides, there are also rooms for ICU and isolation. The medical officers in this unit have been given education and training program in the central surgery unit of Doctor Sutomo Hospital Surabaya.

The director of Buleleng public hospital, Nyoman Mardana, stated in this 2007, the hospital will rehabilitate the policlinic building because the current policlinic cannot accommodate all patients. The number of patient is increasing from time to time, so that to give best service to the society, the rehabilitation and additional building are needed. The improvement of the facilities is accompanied by the improvement of the human resources of that hospital, like the nurses, administrators, and the others.
In giving services to the patients, the management is always based on the motto “Melayani Dengan CINTA” that means giving service with love. The word CINTA is an abbreviation. C is for Cepat or giving quick service, I is for Ikut prosedur or following the procedure in giving service, N is for Nyaman or making the patient as comfortable as possible, T is for Tertib or doing everything in good order and A is Aman or maing the patients feel safe in the hospital.

In terms of administration, the hospital management pays attention to the poor patients because the most patients come to that public hospital are the poor livings. There are tens thousand of poor patients come every year. Those poor patients will not pay a cent for the treatment and hospital fee as long as they can prove they are poor living by showing poor card, the government subsidy card for the poor resident. So far, the hospital management conducted cross subsidy in term of the hospital financing; from the richer patients to the poorer patients. Although the poor patients are free in charge, the hospital management always gives same treatment to both rich and poor patients. The standard service to all patients is the same but the facility may be different.

Nyoman Sukenasih, a grand mother of Gede Wiguna and mother in law of Ketut Sumerti, who were hospitalized for the dengue fever in the third class room, stated that she did not pay a cent for the service and the medicine in Buleleng public hospital because her family was a poor family. She said her grandson and daughter in law had got dengue fever at the same time, while her son, Putu Resika, the father of Gede Wiguna was only a daily worker and lived in Denpasar. She thanked the government to care about the poor living condition.

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